Mercer College

Mercer College is a private college in Georgia, USA, with its primary campus in Macon and extra campuses in Atlanta and Savannah. Built up in 1833, it is one of the most seasoned private colleges in the southern Joined together States. Mercer is known for its differing scholastic offerings, traversing magnanimous expressions, commerce, designing, law, … Read more

Kennesaw State College

Kennesaw State College (KSU) is a open college found in Kennesaw, Georgia, with a auxiliary campus in Marietta, Georgia. It is portion of the College Framework of Georgia and one of the biggest colleges in the state. Here’s a few data around KSU: Key Facts Founded: 1963 (initially as Kennesaw Junior College). Campus: Two essential … Read more

Emory College

Emory College is a prestigious private investigate college found in Atlanta, Georgia. It was established in 1836 and is eminent for its thorough scholastics, dynamic campus life, and solid accentuation on investigate and community benefit. Here’s a speedy diagram of key perspectives of Emory University: Academics Colleges and Schools: Emory College of Expressions and Sciences … Read more

Ferris State College

Ferris State College (FSU) is a open college found in Huge Rapids, Michigan. It was established in 1884 by Woodbridge Nathan Ferris, who afterward got to be the representative of Michigan and a U.S. representative. FSU is known for its commitment to giving career-oriented instruction and viable, hands-on learning opportunities. Key Highlights: Colleges: FSU comprises … Read more

Oakland University

Oakland College is a open college found in Rochester, Michigan. It was built up in 1957 through a gift of arrive by Matilda Avoid Wilson and her spouse, Alfred Wilson. The college offers over 140 undergrad programs and more than 130 graduate and certificate programs over different areas such as commerce, designing, wellbeing sciences, instruction, … Read more

Wayne State College

Wayne State College (WSU) is a open inquire about college found in Detroit, Michigan. It was established in 1868 and is one of Michigan’s biggest colleges, advertising a wide extend of undergrad, graduate, and proficient programs. WSU is known for its solid accentuation on inquire about, urban engagement, and diversity. Key Highlights: Campus and Location: … Read more

Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern College (NSU) is a private college found in Fortification Lauderdale, Florida. It was established in 1964 and has developed to offer a wide run of undergrad, graduate, and proficient degree programs. NSU is known for its solid accentuation on wellbeing sciences, trade, law, instruction, and marine science, among other fields. Key Highlights of … Read more

Terrific Canyon College

Terrific Canyon College (GCU) is a private, for-profit Christian college found in Phoenix, Arizona. Built up in 1949, GCU has developed altogether over the a long time, advertising a wide extend of undergrad, graduate, and doctoral degree programs. Here are a few key angles of the university: Academics GCU offers programs in areas such as … Read more

Simpson University

Simpson College is a private Christian college found in Redding, California. Here are a few key subtle elements almost it: Overview: Affiliation: Christian and Evangelist Organization together (C&MA) Type: Private, faith-based magnanimous expressions university Founded: 1921, initially in Seattle, Washington, as Simpson Book of scriptures Established. It moved to Redding, California, in 1989. Campus: Settled … Read more